Advanced Procedures - Dental Home Bluffton

Mar 19, 2018
Advanced Procedures

Comprehensive Advanced Dental Services

At Dental Home in Bluffton, we take pride in offering comprehensive and advanced dental procedures to enhance your dental health and improve your smile. Our skilled team of dentists and specialists are dedicated to providing the highest quality care using state-of-the-art technology and advanced techniques.

Implant Dentistry

Dental Home is a leader in implant dentistry, offering advanced solutions for replacing missing teeth. Our team of experienced implant dentists utilizes the latest techniques and materials to ensure successful implant placement and long-term durability. Whether you need a single tooth implant or full mouth restoration, our specialists will customize a treatment plan to meet your specific needs.


Achieving a beautiful, straight smile is easier than ever with our advanced orthodontic treatments. Dental Home offers a range of orthodontic options, including traditional braces, clear aligners, and accelerated orthodontics. Our orthodontists are experts in correcting misaligned teeth and malocclusions, helping you achieve a confident and healthy smile.

Oral Surgery

Dental Home's team of oral surgeons specializes in a wide range of advanced surgical procedures, including dental extractions, wisdom tooth removal, bone grafting, and TMJ disorders. With their expertise and our state-of-the-art surgical facilities, we can ensure optimal results and speedy recovery for our patients.

Periodontal Treatments

Our skilled periodontists at Dental Home are dedicated to treating gum diseases and maintaining the health of your gums. We utilize advanced techniques such as scaling and root planing, laser therapy, and gum grafting to effectively manage periodontal conditions and restore your oral health.


Root canal therapy is a common endodontic procedure that can save your natural tooth and relieve dental pain. At Dental Home, our endodontists are highly skilled in performing advanced root canal treatments using the latest technology and techniques. Our goal is to preserve your natural teeth and ensure your comfort throughout the entire procedure.

Cosmetic Dentistry

Transform your smile with our advanced cosmetic dentistry procedures. Dental Home offers a wide range of cosmetic treatments, including teeth whitening, porcelain veneers, dental bonding, and smile makeovers. Our cosmetic dentists will work with you to design a personalized treatment plan that addresses your unique concerns and helps you achieve the smile of your dreams.

Sedation Dentistry

If you experience dental anxiety or have a fear of visiting the dentist, our sedation dentistry options can help you receive the dental care you need comfortably and stress-free. Dental Home offers various sedation techniques, including oral sedation and nitrous oxide, to ensure your relaxation and a pain-free dental experience.

Contact Dental Home for Advanced Dental Care in Bluffton

We are devoted to providing exceptional dental care in Bluffton. Whether you require implant dentistry, orthodontics, oral surgery, periodontal treatments, endodontics, cosmetic dentistry, or sedation dentistry, Dental Home is your trusted partner for advanced dental procedures. Contact our friendly team today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards achieving optimal dental health.

Jim Shapkoff
Great dental services provided by Dental Home Bluffton! 😁 It's amazing to see the use of advanced technology and techniques in improving dental health. Keep up the great work!
Oct 15, 2023