Root Canals - Charlotte

Jun 7, 2021
Advanced Procedures

Comprehensive Root Canal Treatments in Charlotte

At Dental Home, we understand that experiencing tooth pain can be excruciating. Our team of highly skilled dentists in Charlotte is dedicated to providing you with comprehensive root canal treatments that alleviate your discomfort and restore the health of your teeth.

What is a Root Canal?

A root canal is a dental procedure that focuses on removing infected or damaged tissue from within the root canals of a tooth. This treatment is necessary when the pulp, which contains nerves and blood vessels, becomes infected due to deep decay, cracks, or trauma.

Signs You May Need a Root Canal

If you're experiencing any of the following symptoms, it's essential to consult our expert dentists to determine if a root canal is needed:

  • Severe toothache or sensitivity
  • Persistent pain when chewing or applying pressure
  • Swollen gums around the affected tooth
  • Sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures that lingers
  • Persistent bad breath or a foul taste in the mouth
  • Darkening or discoloration of the tooth
  • Tenderness or swelling in the nearby gums

The Root Canal Procedure

When you visit Dental Home for a root canal treatment, our skilled dentists will take the following steps to ensure your comfort and the success of the procedure:

  1. Assessment: We will conduct a thorough examination, including X-rays, to evaluate the condition of the affected tooth and determine if a root canal is necessary.
  2. Anesthesia: Before the procedure starts, a local anesthetic will be administered to numb the area, ensuring you feel little to no pain during the treatment.
  3. Accessing the Pulp Chamber: Our dentist will create a small access hole in the tooth to reach the infected pulp chamber and root canals.
  4. Removal of Infected Tissue: Using specialized tools, the dentist will carefully remove the infected pulp and thoroughly clean the inside of the tooth.
  5. Disinfection: The tooth's canals will be cleaned and disinfected to eliminate any remaining bacteria and prevent further infection.
  6. Filling and Sealing: After the canals are cleaned, they will be filled with a biocompatible material called gutta-percha and sealed to prevent reinfection.
  7. Restoration: In most cases, a dental crown will be placed on top of the treated tooth to provide additional strength and protection.

Why Choose Dental Home for Root Canal Treatments?

When it comes to root canal treatments, Dental Home stands out for the following reasons:

  • Expert Dentists: Our experienced dentists have undergone specialized training in performing root canal procedures to ensure precise and effective treatments.
  • Pain-Free Experience: We prioritize your comfort and utilize modern anesthetic techniques to minimize discomfort during the procedure.
  • Advanced Technology: Dental Home is equipped with state-of-the-art technology, allowing for accurate diagnosis, efficient treatment, and better outcomes.
  • Personalized Care: We understand that every patient is unique. Our team takes the time to listen to your concerns and tailor the treatment to meet your specific needs.
  • Compassionate Environment: At Dental Home, we strive to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere to make your root canal experience as stress-free as possible.

Contact Dental Home for Root Canal Treatment in Charlotte

Don't let tooth pain hinder your daily life. Contact Dental Home today to schedule an appointment for a comprehensive root canal treatment in Charlotte. Our dedicated team is ready to help you regain a healthy and pain-free smile!