Implant Retained Dentures

May 24, 2021
Advanced Procedures

Welcome to Dental Home, your premier destination for high-quality dental services in Bluffton. As a leading provider in the field of dentistry, we are proud to offer implant retained dentures as an effective solution for patients who want to restore their smile and regain their confidence.

What are Implant Retained Dentures?

Implant retained dentures are a revolutionary dental prosthetic that combines the stability of dental implants with the practicality of dentures. Unlike traditional dentures that rely on adhesive or suction for support, implant retained dentures are securely anchored to dental implants placed in the jawbone.

At Dental Home, we understand that the loss of natural teeth can have a significant impact on your daily life, affecting your ability to eat, speak, and smile with confidence. Our implant retained dentures provide a long-lasting and natural-looking solution to help you overcome these challenges.

Advantages of Implant Retained Dentures

Implant retained dentures offer numerous advantages over traditional dentures:

  • Enhanced Stability: By attaching the dentures to dental implants, the prosthesis becomes more stable and secure, minimizing movement while speaking or eating.
  • Improved Comfort: Implant retained dentures are designed to fit securely and comfortably in your mouth, eliminating the discomfort and sore spots often associated with traditional dentures.
  • Better Chewing Efficiency: With increased stability, implant retained dentures allow for improved chewing efficiency, allowing you to enjoy a wider variety of foods.
  • Natural Appearance: The use of dental implants provides a more natural and lifelike appearance, as the dentures are anchored in a way that mimics the natural teeth and gum line.
  • Preservation of Bone Health: Dental implants integrate with the jawbone, stimulating healthy bone growth and preventing bone loss, which is a common issue with traditional dentures.
  • Long-Lasting Solution: With proper care, implant retained dentures can last a lifetime, making them a cost-effective option in the long run.

The Implant Retained Denture Process

At Dental Home, our experienced dentists follow a meticulous process to ensure the success of your implant retained denture treatment:

  1. Comprehensive Examination: Our dental team will perform a thorough examination of your oral health, including a detailed assessment of your jawbone structure, gums, and existing teeth.
  2. Digital Imaging: We utilize advanced dental imaging technology, such as X-rays and 3D scans, to obtain precise measurements of your mouth and jawbone, enabling us to create a personalized treatment plan.
  3. Dental Implant Placement: If your jawbone is determined to be suitable for dental implants, our skilled oral surgeons will surgically place the implants into the designated areas. This procedure is typically performed under local anesthesia, ensuring your comfort throughout.
  4. Healing and Osseointegration: Following implant placement, a period of healing is required to allow the implants to fuse with the jawbone. This process, known as osseointegration, ensures the stability and longevity of the implant retained dentures.
  5. Denture Design and Fabrication: Once the implants have fully integrated with the jawbone, our dental technicians will craft custom-designed dentures that perfectly complement your natural features, ensuring a comfortable and aesthetically pleasing result.
  6. Final Placement and Adjustments: After the dentures have been created, they will be securely attached to the dental implants. Our dentists will make any necessary adjustments to ensure proper fit, function, and a beautiful smile.

Caring for Implant Retained Dentures

Maintaining proper oral hygiene is essential to the long-term success of your implant retained dentures. Here are some tips to care for them:

  • Brushing: Regularly brush your dentures, gums, and tongue with a soft-bristle toothbrush to remove plaque and bacteria.
  • Flossing: Use floss specifically designed for dentures to clean between the denture and your gums.
  • Professional Cleanings: Visit Dental Home regularly for professional cleanings and examinations, allowing our dental team to monitor the health of your dental implants and dentures.
  • Avoiding Damage: Avoid biting down on hard objects or using your dentures as tools to prevent damage or potential dislodging.
  • Denture Care Products: Use denture care products recommended by our dentists to ensure the longevity and cleanliness of your implant retained dentures. Avoid using regular toothpaste, as it may be too abrasive.

If you have any questions or concerns about implant retained dentures or would like to schedule a consultation with our experienced dental team, please contact Dental Home today. Let us help you regain the smile you deserve!