Implant-Supported Partial Dentures

Oct 2, 2020
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Welcome to Dental Home, your trusted provider of high-quality dental services in the Health - Dentist and Dental Services category. In this article, we will explore the benefits of implant-supported partial dentures and how they can enhance your smile and overall dental health.

What Are Implant-Supported Partial Dentures?

Implant-supported partial dentures are a type of dental prosthetic that utilize dental implants to provide stability and support. They are often recommended for patients who have lost multiple teeth but still have some remaining natural teeth. Unlike traditional removable partial dentures, implant-supported partial dentures offer superior functionality and aesthetics.

Benefits of Implant-Supported Partial Dentures

1. Enhanced Stability: Implants anchor the partial denture securely in place, preventing slippage or movement during daily activities such as eating and speaking. This stability allows for increased comfort and confidence when wearing dentures.

2. Improved Chewing Efficiency: With implant-supported partial dentures, you can experience a significant improvement in your ability to chew and enjoy a wide variety of foods. Unlike traditional dentures, which may restrict your diet due to limited chewing capacity, implant-supported dentures function similarly to natural teeth.

3. Preservation of Jawbone: A key advantage of implant-supported partial dentures is that they stimulate the underlying jawbone, preventing bone loss that typically occurs when teeth are missing. By maintaining the integrity of the jawbone, these dentures help preserve your facial structure and prevent sagging or premature aging.

4. Natural Appearance: Implant-supported partial dentures are custom-made to blend seamlessly with your remaining natural teeth, providing a natural-looking smile. They are designed to match the color, shape, and size of your existing teeth, enhancing your overall facial aesthetics.

The Implant-Supported Partial Denture Treatment Process

The process of getting implant-supported partial dentures typically involves several steps:

  1. Evaluation and Planning: Our experienced dental professionals will conduct a thorough examination and create a personalized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs and oral health.
  2. Dental Implant Placement: During a minor surgical procedure, dental implants will be placed into the jawbone. These implants serve as artificial tooth roots and provide a stable foundation for the partial denture.
  3. Healing and Osseointegration: Over a period of several months, the implants will fuse with the jawbone through a process called osseointegration. This ensures a strong and durable bond.
  4. Impressions and Denture Fabrication: Once the implants have integrated, impressions of your mouth will be taken to create your custom-made implant-supported partial dentures. Our dental laboratory experts will carefully craft dentures that fit comfortably and look natural.
  5. Final Placement: When your custom dentures are ready, they will be securely attached to the dental implants, completing the restoration of your smile.

Contact Dental Home for Your Implant-Supported Partial Denture Consultation

If you are considering implant-supported partial dentures, Dental Home is here to help. Our experienced team is dedicated to providing the highest quality dental care in a comfortable and welcoming environment. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about how implant-supported partial dentures can improve your dental health and restore your smile.

Bill Coleman
Great solution for missing teeth!
Nov 10, 2023