Tooth Sensitivity Tests - Endodontics Limited

Jun 20, 2020
General Dentistry

Addressing Tooth Sensitivity with Advanced Tests and Treatments

As part of our commitment to providing top-quality dental care, Dental Home in Bluffton offers comprehensive Tooth Sensitivity Tests and expert Endodontics services. Our team of experienced dentists understands the discomfort caused by sensitivity and is dedicated to diagnosing its cause and providing effective treatments.

The Importance of Tooth Sensitivity Tests

It is essential to understand the underlying causes of tooth sensitivity in order to develop an appropriate treatment plan. At Dental Home, we utilize advanced sensitivity tests to identify the specific triggers and determine the best course of action. Our tests are designed to analyze various aspects of your dental health, such as enamel erosion, gum recession, and nerve sensitivity.

Enamel Erosion Test

Tooth enamel protects your teeth from external stimuli and helps maintain strong oral health. Unfortunately, enamel erosion can occur due to various factors, such as acidic foods, improper brushing techniques, or teeth grinding. Our enamel erosion test helps identify the extent of enamel loss and guides us in recommending suitable treatments to strengthen and protect your teeth.

Gum Recession Test

Receding gums can expose the tooth roots, making them vulnerable to sensitivity. Our gum recession test assesses the extent of gum recession and enables us to develop a personalized plan to prevent further gum loss and alleviate sensitivity symptoms. By addressing the underlying cause, we can ensure long-term oral health and reduce discomfort.

Nerve Sensitivity Test

The nerve sensitivity test helps us determine the level of sensitivity you experience and the best approach to manage it. By evaluating your responses to different stimuli, such as temperature or pressure, we can tailor a treatment plan specifically for your needs. Our team is experienced in dealing with sensitive teeth and can recommend effective solutions to enhance your comfort.

Personalized Treatments for Tooth Sensitivity

After conducting thorough tests, our skilled dentists at Dental Home will develop a personalized treatment plan to address your tooth sensitivity. We believe in a comprehensive approach that aims to eliminate the cause of sensitivity while providing immediate relief.

Dental Sealants

For patients experiencing sensitivity due to enamel erosion, dental sealants can provide effective protection. Dental sealants create a barrier between your teeth and external factors, reducing sensitivity and preventing further enamel damage. Our dentists will carefully apply the sealants to targeted areas, ensuring maximum coverage and long-lasting results.

Fluoride Treatments

Fluoride treatments are particularly beneficial for patients with sensitive teeth caused by weakened enamel. The application of fluoride helps strengthen the enamel, making your teeth more resistant to sensitivity triggers. A customized fluoride treatment plan, including in-office applications and recommendations for at-home care, will be created based on your unique needs.

Gum Grafting

If gum recession is identified as a cause of tooth sensitivity, our highly skilled team may recommend gum grafting. This surgical procedure involves taking a tissue graft from another area of your mouth and attaching it to the affected area, restoring gum tissue and reducing sensitivity. Gum grafting not only provides relief but also helps prevent further gum recession.

Root Canal Therapy

In severe cases of tooth sensitivity resulting from inflammation or infection in the tooth pulp, root canal therapy may be necessary. Our experienced endodontists specialize in performing root canal treatments to eliminate the source of discomfort and restore oral health. We utilize advanced techniques and technologies to ensure your comfort throughout the procedure.

Contact Dental Home for Expert Tooth Sensitivity Tests and Treatments

If you are experiencing tooth sensitivity that affects your daily life, Dental Home is here to help. Our team of skilled dentists and endodontists is dedicated to providing exceptional dental care services in Bluffton. From comprehensive sensitivity tests to personalized treatments, we strive to deliver long-lasting results and alleviate your discomfort.

Contact Dental Home today to schedule an appointment and take the first step towards regaining a healthy, pain-free smile.